I am taking part in the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt. The Goal of the hunt is to add a little bit of fun and to raise awareness of breastfeeding.
Read my first three blogs of the series Hold me close , Sharing and hugs required to hear all about why I chose to breastfeed, how it is great for mums to support each other and the love and support of family and friends.
My last post is all about breastfeeding beyond the first few weeks. As I have talked about in my earlier posts, breastfeeding was not really a choice for me it was just the most natural thing for me to do. Originally I had planned to breastfeed up until 9 months, when I was originally planning on going back to work but I did say that I would not beat myself up about it if things turned out differently and I had to switch to formula. Sofia is coming up to 9 months and my outlook has now changed due to both work circumstances and the overwhelming emotional attachment I have made with my daughter. As an expectant mum you can prepare as much as you like for the birth of your baby but you are still blown away by the rush of feelings you get running through your body the first time you hold your baby and every time you hold her after that. Breastfeeding has given me and Sofia a bond that I am just not ready to change yet, so I have not intention of giving up at 9 months as originally planned. A part of me would like to get rid of the word ' plan ' altogether and just let nature take it's full course until Sofia is fully self weaned but I am not 100% sure that is what I want to do.
I have recently been made redundant whilst on maternity leave and now have a little bit more freedom to stay off work a little bit longer, extending the amount of time I have with Sofia. Realistically I do need to go back to work once Sofia has turned one, so I am looking to either stop breastfeeding or reduce to evening feeds when I go back to work. I do know that going back to work does not mean I have to stop breastfeeding but this along with a host of other factors, such as wanting a little bit more independence, having more time for me, wanting to buy some nice bras, letting my husband have my boobs back for a bit and hoping to have another baby reasonably soon all make me think it is the right decision for me to stop then. I know that each of these issues can be tacked but as a whole they do lead me to wanting to stop at some point in the near future. I can see that some of the reasons I have mentioned above are a little selfish on my part but as a family I think that I have to take all of our needs in to consideration and make the choices that will make us all happy. I have done a fantastic job with breastfeeding my daughter and she has loved very minute; making it to one will a great achievement for both of us. Of course Sofia's needs are a priority and things may change over the next few months and knowing me I will probably still feeding her until she is ten!
Ultimately the best thing I can do is have my plan of when to end in mind and take things as they come. Sofia is already starting to show big changes in her feeding patterns, as she is now on solids and starting to eat more and more each day. We have taken the BLW weaning route and we are both loving every minute but still loving the breastfeeding too.
BLW has meant that at times Sofia eats little food and breastfeeds lots and at other times she eats more solids and wants fewer feeds from me. For me, that is not a problem as I have always fed on demand and I really want Sofia to enjoy the whole weaning experience without being rushed. The biggest challenges for me now are teeth and clinginess. Sofia already has 9 teeth, the first 4 coming all at once at 5 months, so I have been bitten a few times. With the first bite I panicked as it flipping hurt and was worried that I wouldn't know how to stop it but after a few firm 'NO's ' and a more relaxed attitude biting is few and far between. I can see when Sofia is teething, tired or cranky so I am more careful when feeding and always have my little finger at hand for when she is about to start pulling. The clinginess is a bit more difficult at times, I often worry that I comfort Sofia too much; whipping out a boob at any sign of distress. I tell myself that it is silly to think this and that my comfort cannot do anything but good for her but when she just will not settle without me and won't even go to daddy I do get a little stressed; it's only natural I suppose. This is something I really do need to be patient with as she will find her independence in her own time, above all she is a truly happy and beautiful breastfed baby, what more could we ask for.
I have loved writing these posts for the breastfeeding scavenger hunt and plan on writing a few more as have got lots of thoughts and ideas as a result of writing and reading other blogs, so watch this space.
If you have enjoyed reading my breastfeeding series, then take a look at some of the other bloggers taking part in the scavenger hunt.
My Thoughts on Things Tales from a Cornish Blonde
Before you go why not add a comment and enter into the grand scavenger hunt prize below, which includes a great prize from Snugglebundl